CEMA March on Hartford

Mar 07th - All Day

get directions Gather in Old Appropriations Room State Capitol
210 Capitol Ave. Hartford Connecticut
On Thursday, March 7th, we will gather at the State Capitol to promote and protect your businesses and our industry.
"If you're not at the table, you're on the menu!"
With the threat of paid family medical leave, tolls and carbon taxes all under consideration, CEMA is providing you with the opportunity to come to Hartford and take these issues head-on. Come take your seat at the table!
We also have great opportunities to advance our efforts to promote the use of ultra-low sulfur heating oil/Bioheat, protect conservation funding, and require equal treatment of the utilities when it comes to natural gas leaks.
March on Hartford Schedule
  • 10:00 am Gather in Old Appropriations Room State Capitol (210 Capitol Ave. Hartford)
  • 10:05 am Issues Briefing (see below for issue briefs)
  • 10:30 am Meetings with Legislators and/or Staff
